

主演:格利高里·派克  多萝西·麦克吉尔  约翰·加菲尔德  西莱斯特·霍姆  安妮·里维尔  




君子协定 剧照 NO.1君子协定 剧照 NO.2君子协定 剧照 NO.3君子协定 剧照 NO.4君子协定 剧照 NO.5君子协定 剧照 NO.6君子协定 剧照 NO.13君子协定 剧照 NO.14君子协定 剧照 NO.15君子协定 剧照 NO.16君子协定 剧照 NO.17君子协定 剧照 NO.18君子协定 剧照 NO.19君子协定 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-20 06:22


菲利普(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)是一名记者,带着儿子汤米(迪恩·斯托克维尔 Dean Stockwell 饰)和母亲(安妮·里维尔 Anne Revere 饰)来到大都市纽约,踌躇满志的他准备要在此干一番大事业。


 1 ) 漫漫长路

君子协定 Gentleman's Agreement (1947)—第20届奥斯卡最佳影片

 2 ) 最扯淡的剧情简介!



主编支持主角假扮犹太人去了解情况,写出不同视角而且犀利的文章。最终写出来了。中间有很多争论,但是片子的基调从开始就是反对“反犹主义” 的,片子层层展开的是Phil是如何越来越深刻的理解到反犹太问题,并且最终写出重磅文章,并且女友如何从一个隐含的反犹倾向最终自己认识到问题所在,最终他们团员的故事。


 3 ) 纪念


 4 ) 观《君子协定》的一点思考


 5 ) Gentleman's Agreement





      刚看不久,我就一直在感慨自己:怎么就找了个这么老的片子撒! 我猜猜它应该是1958年左右上映的,里面的FOX公司标志竟然还是黑白的。看到中间的时候,我知道了:这片子原来是1947年的啊! 顿时发觉自己好复古哦!



是如此的英俊,潇洒,只可惜他和我生活的时代不一样哦!。 女主角也不错,长的挺漂亮的。他们的爱情也是一波三折,男主角菲林是个新闻作者,他为了写出一篇连载性的关于反犹太主义的文章,不惜瞒着家人和朋友将自己扮成一个犹太人,为了这篇文章,他付出的代价太大了,爱情和婚姻也几次陷入危机,幸而结局是好的,两人终成眷属,他也抱得美人归~






 6 ) Intercultural Communication Issues in Gentleman’s Agreement

Gentleman’s Agreement is a movie that tells a story about a journalist’s experience of pretending to be a Jew to write an article about anti-Semitism.

What is problematic?
Anti-Semitism was thriving at that time. Jewish people could not even have a job because of their racial identity. Dominant white Christian culture did not tolerant Jewish culture. Therefore, Jewish people were suffering from discrimination in every aspect of their lives. For instance, Jewish people had to conceal their Jewish identity in order to get a job. In the movie, the Jewish secretary Wales had to change her name in order to get the job. And when Tommy’s classmates knew that Tommy was a Jew, they teased him and isolated him because of his Jewish identity. The dominant White Christian culture took control of the society at that time. The social environment at that time was full of discrimination and attacks to Jewish people. The ignorance to other culture made there was no room for other cultures. The dominant position of white Christian culture over Jewish culture resulted in the misunderstanding and lacking of knowledge about minor culture in the society. The Jewish people could not speak out their voices because they were suppressed by the dominant white culture, which led to the miscommunication between Christian people and Jewish people even though they had no intention to do so. For instance, Kathy as a typical “nice” Christian, thought that being silent and feeling guilty when someone told a joke depreciating Jews was an action to against anti-Semitism. She did not know that this was not enough, actions to against those anti-Semitism in her group was the most effective way to alleviate the situation of Jews.
Also, the journalist Philip also experienced ups and downs in his relationship with his fiancée Kathy because of Philip’s experiment of pretending to be a Jew. Philip tried to act and think like a Jew and experienced what a Jew might suffer at that time in person. While Kathy’s acts did not meet his criteria for a soul mate who can take the right side towards anti-Semitism. However, Kathy thought that she was against anti-Semitism and was on the same side as Philip. The way they perceive anti-Semitism is different because they have different personalities. Therefore, this miscommunication caused conflicts between them.

What are the power relations?
Dominant white culture was absolutely over the Jewish culture at that time. Dave is a real Jew and he grew up with Philip. Although Philip is not a Jew, he has strong empathy to what Jewish people feel because his relationship with Dave. However, Philip still had social power identity over Dave. However, Philip’s acts to call for rights for Jews were embedded in his dominant cultural identity. White Christians have totally right of speech at that time. They determined the social realities. No one would like to listen to a Jew’s opinion. Dominant culture would not treat them seriously. However, white Christian guy Philip’s experience and opinions about anti-Semitism became a hot topic at that time because it made people started to rethink the Jewish culture.
What I also noticed was that the masculinity was also over feminity . In their relationship, Philip’s masculinity is obvious. Kathy did not express what she really felt straightforwardly. She haven’t spoken her heart until when Philip criticized her that she has an inherent superiority feeling towards Jewish people and their relationship almost broke down. At that very moment, Kathy cried and argued to Philip that, “You are what you are for the on life you have”. She explained that she has no choice to choose born as a Christian. For Kathy, she thought she was no wrong because she born with her Christian identity. She insisted that she was in the “nice people” group. However, for Philip, Kathy’s inactive action towards anti-Semitism also supported anti-Semitism in some way. Besides, people have different expectation towards Kathy and Philip. In the ending part of the movie, Anne invited Philip for dinner and persuaded Philip that it was not Kathy’s duty to fight for the Jewish people. Kathy was not supposed to do that because of her gender.

How do you see people negotiating?
We can tell the difference between how women and men faces conflicts in a relationship in this movie. When facing conflict, different gender has different negotiation method towards it. When Philip and Kathy had conflict, Philip told Kathy directly how he felt and argued with Kathy angrily. While for Kathy, she tended to hide her feelings and find the third party for help. We can tell that Philip was using low context to deal with the conflict, while Kathy responded to it in relatively high context. In the ending of the movie, when Philip was angry about Kathy because he thought she has superiority over Jews and she did nothing about it. Kathy found the third party, Philip and Kathy’s common friend Dave, to help analyzing the relationship. Therefore, Kathy has very interdependent personality while Philip is very independent. Philip told Kathy how he feels directly while Kathy hadn’t spoken out her idea until she thought they were going to break up. And then, Kathy turned to the third party for help to mend this relationship. That is very interdependent characteristic. In the society, women usually are expected to be submissive and supportive to their partner, even though they may not agree to them. However, a man is encouraged to act direct and controlling in a relationship, especially in a romantic relationship. Especially, Kathy is a divorced woman, so she acted even more careful and doubtful in the relationship.
Also, in the movie, the real Jew Dave and Ms. Wales seemed to be inactive in the anti-Semitism cause. They got used to hide their identity to blend in the society that controlled by the dominant culture. They tended to be silent. They had to rely on their dominant friends to speak out their needs for equality and rights. In contrast, Philip as a white Christian man who was educated and encouraged to speak, acted agitatedly when he was treated unfairly in the hotel and the post office because of his fake Jewish identity. Philip was sensitive and expressed all of his feelings of being sick of anti-Semitism when he pretended to be a Jew. This interesting contrast indicates that how social environment can affect people’s way to negotiate when facing with conflicts.

P.S. Kathy argued with Phil: "You are what you are for the one life you have, you can't help being born Christian instead of Jewish, it doesn't mean you glad you were, but I am glad, There, I said it, I'd be terrible, I'm glad I'm not. I could never make you understand that, You could never understand that it is a fact like being glad you are good-looking instead of ugly, rich instead of poor, young instead of old, healthy instead of sick. You could never understand that. It's just a practical fact,not judgement that I'm superior, but I could never make you see that. You twisted something into horrible, a conniving, an aiding and abetting a thing that I loathe as much as you do. "

When Kathy told Dave that a man said a joke about disgrace on Jewish, Kathy said that she hated it and wanted to tell everyone that this was not good, however, what she actually did was just sat there and felt ashamed.
"If you don't stop that joke, where do you stop?"


放在那个年代的语境下,片子提出的问题还是很有勇气的,但终归只有主题,执行的很单薄,歧视方面的展示更多时候是辅佐男女主感情起伏的作用。Gregory Peck真的帅,感觉除此之外也就没什么让人能特别记住的了。

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3.5 看到派克的正派人士脸还以为只是难看的高大全电影,结果比想象的好太多了,虽然有些大段过于说教,前戏太长,但当时有这种剖析的勇气实属不易。不过话说回来假扮犹太人这个方法实在有点problematic= = 代入其他的minoritiy人群看看呢?就...很怪。老妈很出彩。然后没想到看到了还是颗小豆丁的Dean扮演派克的儿子,古灵精怪,笑起来跟长大后一模一样,可爱到尖叫!

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沉默的大多数。恋情波折道出“太有原则的人某种程度上对身边人是残酷的”这点冲淡了宣传片味道。婚姻底线是在关乎原则的问题上两人一致。成熟男子和老母健康平等可交心的母子关系在电影里很少见。Dean Stockwell演儿子是个拽拽的小屁孩哩

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An important and influential movie. Chinese audience may find the subject so distant that they are not able to appreciate it fully.

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#君子协定#再次感叹上世纪中期的电影绝赞 编剧功力一流 表演惊赞 绝对不缺悬疑和反转。本部片子体现犹太人为反犹所作的方方面面斗争 从此美国走向政治正确这条不归路 ps:jimmy秀杀光中国人这种话 在美华裔一定要学习犹太人奋起反抗。你自己都开着东亚病夫的玩笑 难怪别人看不起你。

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77/100 解决问题最大的“敌人”从来不是那些制造麻烦的人,而是那些沉默不言、只想明哲保身的人,这部电影为这个主题设置的premise还是很巧妙的。起初我觉得耗费了太多的“笔墨”在男女主角的故事线上,但仔细一想,其实不是太多而是情绪太过含蓄,在戏剧性上差强人意。母亲最后的话总结了一切。

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